The Global Day of Prayer Gather25 is taking place March 1, 2025 and Priority15 (P15) is participating. From February 28 to March 2 in Wichita, Kansas P15 will have our 11th annual gathering. Note: P15 dates were selected over a year ago and before hearing about Gather25.
During the P15 Gathering breakouts on Saturday there will be a come and go room streaming video where anyone can view four Gather25 locations praying around the world:
9:30 am - 10:00 am Romania
10:00 am - 1:00 pm Rwanda
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm United Kingdom
4:00 pm - 4:30 pm Stories from the Persecuted Church
Then Saturday evening from 6pm-Midnight in small groups in person we will be praying specifically for six different unreached people groups, each for one hour. This will be a time to pray with others who have a heart for that region/people group.
Priority15 brings together those who want to pray, plan, and prepare to reach some of the last unreached people groups around the world. Many missionary speakers and three Musl-m Background Believers (MBB) will share in person. Cost is free but for security reasons all attendees are screened and have to apply in advance before receiving the list of 15 unreached people groups and the location for P15 and this part of Gather25 in Wichita.