Photo courtesy of Rachel Scroggs Photography
The 2025 Priority15 Gathering will be Feb. 28-Mar. 2 in Wichita, Kansas. Register here. Space is limited so register now or soon.
What to Expect
From Friday 7pm through noon Sunday we will have the 11th annual gathering of missional professionals in healthcare, business, counseling, engineering, teaching, and more. We come together to plan, pray, and prepare to reach some of the last unreached people groups. Over 250 people from across the globe participated in the last Gathering. For security reasons there will not be a virtual option and all attendees are screened.
This is not a typical conference. Here is what participants have shared immediately after previous gatherings:
“I have been asking God about career, regions, and how best to prepare. The Lord gave me insights into next steps via one-on-one conversations.”
“I received practical advice and strategies from those who share the gospel cross-culturally and how to rely on Jesus completely.”
“I connected with several missionaries to the unreached area where I want to move.”
Here is what participants shared a few years later:
“We are now in one of the 15 areas because of connections made at one Gathering and then encouragement from the Gathering the following year.”
“God used The Gathering a couple of years ago in a significant way in our lives. Now we’re in an unreached country. Hard to believe, but grateful to be here!”
This is a wonderful opportunity to meet others, go deeper through small groups, and hear speakers with first-hand experience. One will be Nathan L, the “father” of TOAG (Training Ordinary Apprentices to Go) and now “grandfather” of Launch Global through which hundreds have gone to the Muslim world in the past two decades. Also hear Joni B. She and her husband started a missionary base in N. Africa with Operation Mobilization, and she taught English as a Foreign Language in the Middle East.
For more testimonials about P15 read the article in Mission Frontiers magazine or view the four-minute intro video from the Gathering.
Cost is free but anyone who comes is encouraged to donate to cover the costs (e.g. childcare, Saturday lunch, student travel scholarships, coffee, snacks).
Nursing babies who are welcome in all the meetings. A private room for nursing mothers is available.
Childcare registration has closed.
Dress for the weekend is casual.
Those who arrive Friday afternoon are invited to coffee etc. (self-pay) at a nearby coffee shop 2-5pm.
The global day of prayer Gather25 is taking place March 1 and P15 is participating. We will have a video stream where you can pray and also see other locations praying around the world.
Location and housing options will be shared after registering. Also at that time those who register can learn how they could share Airbnb, hotel room, and/or rides from their city to Wichita.
Please mark your calendar for February 28 - March 2, 2025 in Wichita and tell others. Register here. Space is limited so register now or soon
Do you have other questions? Contact Us
Blessings in Christ,
Todd, James, Tim, Clint: Wichita
John, Tina: Tulsa
Kelsey, Clara: Birmingham