This gathering is offered free of charge to you, but there are expenses incurred at many levels to make this happen. We ask that you prayerfully consider giving to support this gathering at (tax deductible) or give (not tax deductible) via Venmo @thosestephens

For easy reference, here is a link to the printed Gathering Schedule you received with your nametag.

Use the P15 password for the link to handouts for the weekend. Do not copy or post these resources anywhere. Printing and keeping in a secure physicial location is allowed. These materials will be taken offline by noon March 1.


Priority [15] Prayer Teams meet virtually once a week for 30 minutes to pray the Scriptures over the P15 unreached regions of the earth. Come, feel God’s heart yearn for these people estranged from His arms, and pray with others eager to see the redemption of Jesus in their lives. If interested, see this 60 second video or email

Goer Cohorts are for those focused on leaving their homeland as a long-term career goer to the unreached. They are ONLY for those going to the UNREACHED and within the next 5 years (NOT for those just “checkin’ it out”). We are all active on a P15 Prayer Team weekly and then we meet virtually every two months for two hours where we get to know each other, memorize and study Scriptures, practice Jesus stories, and discuss with active field workers & mobilizers regarding disciple-making strategy, goer barriers, cross-cultural insights, agencies, our personal questions, etc. If interested, see this two minute video or email

Mark your calendar for in-person gathering March 3-5, 2023 in Tulsa, Oklahoma.