Priority 15 is our attempt to focus people’s attention, resources, and evangelistic efforts on highly strategic areas for mission service.

Why does priority [15] exist?

It has been nearly two thousand years since Jesus rose from the dead and promised to return again, so why hasn’t he come back yet? When Jesus' disciples asked him, "When will your kingdom come?" Jesus responded, "First the gospel of the kingdom must be proclaimed among all nations and then the end will come" (Matthew 24:14).

We want Jesus to come back.  We hate the killing and the war over so much of the earth.  We hate the droughts, hurricanes and earthquakes that cause so much suffering.  We hate AIDS, e-bola and malnutrition.  We don’t know that we can cause Jesus to come back, but we can at least do everything that he commanded us to prepare for his return.

We are a group of friends, saved by the blood of Christ, striving to be authentic disciples and convicted that the church is commanded by God to take the light of the gospel to all peoples of the earth; even to those areas of spiritual darkness. God has instructed us to love, regardless of our personal feelings, passions or interests. Instead of fearing places of spiritual darkness, we feel compelled to confront these places with the radical, sacrificial love of Jesus. 

Priority 15 also arose out of frustration. As we talked to Christian medical students, many told us that they felt called to mission work but did not know where to serve. Many felt overwhelmed by the global need and inadequate to choose a destination on their own. Priority 15 is our attempt to focus people's attention, resources, and evangelistic efforts on highly strategic areas for mission service.